
API Reference

PiPFS Hub provides a REST API that you can use to interact with the platform programmatically. The API is based on the JSON:API specification and uses HTTP requests to perform CRUD operations on resources.

API Endpoints

The following API endpoints are available:

API Authentication

To authenticate with the PiPFS Hub API, you need to include an API key in the Authorization header of your requests. You can obtain an API key by registering for a PiPFS Hub account and creating an API key in the dashboard.

API Response Format

The PiPFS Hub API returns responses in JSON format. Each response includes a data object that contains the requested resource, and a meta object that contains metadata about the response.

API Errors

If an error occurs while processing a request, the PiPFS Hub API returns an HTTP status code in the 4xx or 5xx range, along with a JSON object that contains an error message.

API Examples

Here are some examples of how to use the PiPFS Hub API: